Why people want what you're selling — Peter Cook

Why people want what you're selling

We’re currently getting quotes and proposals for getting solar panels.

Interestingly no-one that I’ve spoken to has asked me why I want solar panels. I’ve got quotes from $45k for panels and a battery down to $12k without a battery and without a three-phase hybrid inverter.

 (I still have no idea what a three-phase hybrid inverter is, but it’s highly recommended and adds about $3k to the total bill).

So far everyone has just assumed that I want to save on electricity bills, and has then asked if I want top-end, middle- or bottom-end in terms of quality.

But maybe for me it’s more about the story I want to tell myself, about being the kind of person who goes solar. Or the status I’ll get from the neighbours seeing the panels on the roof. Or to help solve our ongoing argument about whether the coffee machine can stay on, or should be turned off, between coffees.

It’s an easy mistake to make. To assume we know why someone wants our service. But it’s definitely a mistake.
