Do you want a meditation practice?

If you’ve been paying attention you’ll know that amongst other things I’m an Ishaya monk … and as of last month a qualified Ascension meditation teacher (with a new Sanskrit name too, for when I’m in that world).

 I’m teaching my first course on the weekend of August 5th - 7th, hosted by my good friend GG. If you can make it to Melbourne and want to be part of my first ever course, I’d love to see you there. The details are here.  

Why meditation?

A few years ago I co-authored this book:

In a nutshell, the science is pretty compelling. An effective meditation practice will give you more happiness, health, better relationships, and higher performance. Who wouldn’t want that?

Why Ascension?

Ascension is the meditation that I practice and teach. We sometimes talk about it as ‘beyond meditation.’ I love it because, first and foremost, for me it is an effective meditation practice. It helps me spend more of my life in the present moment, and that makes everything better.

I also love that the techniques we meditate with are based on appreciation, gratitude, love, and compassion. So while you’re meditating you’re consciously rewiring your brain.

Finally, for me, it’s also a spiritual practice. It’s not religious and it doesn’t require any particular beliefs, but it definitely has a spiritual element if that’s what you’re after.

How it works

I’m interested in not just teaching you to meditate, but helping make sure you actually do. I might be a monk, but I’m still the implementation guy … what can I say.

So, we have a weekend to teach the practice … and equally importantly, to design how it’s going to fit into your life. Then we have a six-week follow up process help you implement (and to add a little accountability into the mix).

Then you have the rest of your life to keep it going, and to experience the benefits.

What it costs

The program costs $495 including GST, and a commitment to meditate daily for at least six weeks.

How to register

Just click on August Meditation Program. Our venue (GG’s place) means we only have 15 spots available. I anticipate they’ll sell out pretty quickly so if you’re keen jump in.

Hope to see you there.