I’m writing a chapter of an upcoming book about the benefits of running a thought leader’s practice. Here are 7 that came to mind:
Make a difference. In a practice we get paid to improve the human condition – to make people’s lives and organisations better.
Earn good money. A successful practice makes $500k - $1.5M a year … pretty good money to my way of thinking.
Future-proof yourself. Even if you are not always going to run a practice, being good at creating, influencing and teaching (or thinking, selling and delivering) are a good way to future-proof your career. You continue to develop skills that won’t be done better by a computer any time soon.
Personal growth. The journey to black belt is one of incredible personal growth. We get to teach what we need to learn, and take ourselves on in all sorts of ways.
Life by design. Running a practice lets us do work we love with people we like in the way we want. And to lead a life by design.
Achieve financial independence. Linked to earning good money, I think a practice is the most predictable way to achieve financial independence within a decade.
Leave a legacy. While your practice is centred on you by design, the impact you make will outlast you. Your practice can (and should) be the vehicle for you to make the difference you were born to make.
Any big ones I’ve missed? If your biggest why isn’t on the list, hit reply and tell me what it is. Thank you.