The four games we play

I’ve just come out of our Thought Leaders Business School immersion. An incredible three days in Sydney. Here are a couple of great photos from last Friday and Saturday.

(Photo courtesy of Suzanne Waldron)

(Photo courtesy of Suzanne Waldron)

(Photo courtesy of Dina Cooper)

(Photo courtesy of Dina Cooper)

I wanted to share the four games we talk about at the start of every immersion (well, nearly every immersion … I realised that we didn’t this time around which is part of what prompted this blog).

1.     The 90-day game. On the way to black belt each quarter we launch a new cluster. The aim is to get the cluster generating $10k a month into the practice by the end of the 90 days.

2.     The one-year game. Over 12 months we will therefore launch four clusters. We expect to fail 50% of them, so the one-year game is to launch 4 clusters, have two succeed and move up two belts (i.e. increase revenue by $20k a month).

3.     The thousand-day game. The thousand-day game (three years) is to get to black belt. To have a practice generating at least $60k a month, or $720k a year.

4.     The ten-year game. Then the game is to maintain a black belt practice for a decade and achieve financial independence – which means to have enough invested outside your practice that you never have to work again if you don’t want to.

If you’re playing along at home as we head into the new quarter, I have two pieces of counsel. Firstly, commit 100 percent to the 90-day game. Go hard while staying light, remembering it’s only a game … a paradox, I know.

Secondly, never sacrifice the 10-year game for the 90-day game. Don’t do anything that will hurt the long term for the short term.