I just received the following email from Tathra, who has registered into The Money Workshop (a two day program I run).
Hi Peter, Thanks for that. It's a really important time for me to be doing this. I started my own business 7 months ago, and have reached a point where i need to look for a part time job to supplement my income. I'm very financially stretched and it's worrisome. I look forward to examining my relationship to money and am aware of lots of resistance too! I had a look at Tathra’s website Audacious Leadership, and saw a lot of the white belt errors that we have been discussing on the forum.
A key plank of the Million Dollar Expert methodology is to start with one message, one market and one mode, and stick to that until you get to white belt. Only then should you add a second “cluster” (a cluster is the combination of message, market and mode) to take you to yellow belt. The modes we distinguish are speaker, author, trainer, mentor, facilitator and coach.
I made white belt errors in all three parts of this equation - message, market and mode -for years. My message “Love Your Business” wasn’t a message the market wanted to hear, or pay for. My market - small business - was much too broad. And I had three modes, coaching, mentoring and training, not one.
Tathra has courageously agreed to be a live case study, and work with us publicly to refine her message, market and mode to be more commercially successful. Which I think is a great example of her own audacious leadership, and a real demonstration of Tathra walking her talk.
How will this work? Please go and check out Tathra’s website.
I’ll also post my thoughts, and then in a couple of weeks I’ll hold a mentoring session with Tathra where we’ll review the feedback, and go to work on her message, mode and market.
We can then all support Tathra to implement some changes, and see what happens.
I'd love to hear your thoughts, you can leave them here.