You've no doubt heard already, but just in case you are living under a rock, there was an article about me and Love Your Business on p44 of yesterday's Melbourne Herald Sun. That's right, p44. And I'm pretty sure I would have been on the front page if it wasn't for the Collingwood signing Malthouse and Buckley on the same day. Here's the article (click picture to read)
It was very cool how it happened.
One of my goals for July was to have an article published. I spoke to a journalist friend of mine about where to submit an article to get it published, and it turns out it’s a bit harder than I had envisaged.
Then out of the blue Paula from the Herald Sun calls me saying that she wanted to interview me for an article next week. Was I interested? Let me think about that I said. Yes. And the rest is history ... and I can tick off that goal for the month!