It doesn't have to be hard

I was recently talking to one of Thought Leaders Business School students, Brian, who was feeling guilty about how easily he was hitting his targets.

He is on track for his first-ever green belt quarter (revenue of $30,000 a month), but was telling me he doesn’t feel like he deserves it. He had set up his sales funnel and set his targets for calls and meetings, but the work was just coming to him from referrals and people he had worked with before.

I’m not scared of hard work. And I recognise that there are times when you really need to put your shoulder to the wheel, especially when you are launching something new and you have to build momentum.

However I am all for things being easy. And when something is flowing and happening with ease and grace, ride that baby. Don’t fight it. If the universe is lining things up for us, isn’t it a bit arrogant (not to mention, counterproductive) to think it should be some other way?

Love to hear your thoughts – do you let things be easy? You can leave them below.